We hope you never need to complain

But if you do, we’ll listen and do our best to put things right.

Morgan Price and our Insurer Partners pride ourselves on the level of service and coverage we provide to our Members, we hope you never need to raise any concerns or complaints with us. But if you do, you can be rest assured that we will listen and do our best to put things right.

If you feel we have not provided the level of service you expected, please follow the procedures outlined below:

We consider a complaint to be any oral or written expression of dissatisfaction from a customer to an employee of Morgan Price International Healthcare Ltd, in connection with the provision of, or failure to provide, a service to the customer.

You can notify us by telephone, face-to-face or in writing.
Complaints Department
Morgan Price International Healthcare Limited
2 Penfold Drive
Gateway 11
NR18 0WZ
United Kingdom
Email : info@morgan-price.com
Tel : +44 (0) 1379 646730


To help us resolve your complaint

We’ll need the following information:


How we deal with your complaint:
We will always respond in a courteous manner and we aim to resolve complaints within 3 business days following receipt (e.g. received Monday 10:00am, aim to resolve by Thursday 5:30pm).

Occasionally, for more complex cases we need additional time to investigate the concerns raised. In such cases, we aim to acknowledge the complaint within 5 business days, providing the name of the person dealing with it, as well as an indication of when to expect the matter to be concluded.

If we cannot resolve the matter within 8 weeks we will write explaining why and point out the next steps available to you.


How we will respond to your complaint:
If we can resolve your complaint within 3 business days following receipt, you will be sent a summary resolution communication, which will confirm the matter has been resolved.

Where we have been unable to resolve the complaint within 8 weeks, we will write to you formally providing details of our investigation and outcome. This response will explain our position clearly and in plain language.

If we agree to pay any redress or compensation, we will do so promptly.

Where we have reasonable grounds to be satisfied that another firm is solely or jointly responsible for the issues raised, the complaint will be referred to them promptly on your behalf. We will inform you of the referral, provide their contact details and follow the matter up with them to make sure your concerns are properly addressed.

We expect that the majority of complaints will be quickly and satisfactorily resolved at this stage, but if you are not satisfied you can take the issue further.


If you remain dissatisfied with our response:

  1. For Service or Administration Complaints Relating to Morgan Price

    Having received our final response, if you remain dissatisfied, you may be eligible to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. This service is free of charge.

    Visit their website at: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk

    Call on 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123 from within the UK, or +44 207 964 0500 from outside the UK,

    Write to them or visit them at:
    Financial Ombudsman Service,
    Exchange Tower,
    E14 9SR
    United Kingdom

    Email them at: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
    You can find out more information by following the link here:

    Please note that if you wish to refer this matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service, you must do so within 6 months of the final decision.

    You must have completed the above procedure before the Financial Ombudsman Service will consider your case.

  2. For Product or Claims Related Complaints

    Please put full details of your complaint in writing and send to:

    Managing Director
    Expacare Insurance Company (Mauritius) Limited
    C/O 11 Bracknell Beeches
    Old Bracknell Lane West
    RG12 7BW
    United Kingdom

    Your legal rights are not affected.

    Please note: If you have a complaint about the way your plan was sold to you and you bought your plan through an Intermediary/broker, please contact them in the first instance.